Interfaith Towers Apartment
Interfaith Towers Apartment
66 Washington Street
Poughkeepsie N.Y. 12601
Tel: (845) 452-1172
Fax: (845) 452-0106
Welcome Home - Interfaith Towers Apartments
A senior citizen community, offering one and two bedroom apartments
Mission Statement:
To maintain a pleasant community atmosphere that offers the very best in senior housing options. Our mission is to offer a clean, safe affordable "home" with services for our residents to enjoy under one roof, in one unique setting.
Interfaith Towers Profile:
Interfaith Towers is a modern 12 story fire resistive complex, containing 135 attractive apartments that offer its residents the utmost advantages of latest architectural design for convenient living.
It is a distinctive residential apartment building situated in beautiful landscaped surroundings overlooking the Hudson River. Thoughtfully designed for comfort, economy, and safety in answer to the unique wants and needs of Senior Citizens.
- All services in a unique setting
- A community room with adjoining kitchen-available to residents for meeting and social gatherings
- A library/craft room-for those who like to read or engage in artistic hobbies/handicrafts
- Beautiful landscaped grounds provide ideal environment for visiting in relaxed setting.
- Post Office within walking distance
- Newspaper delivery to your door
- Closed-Circuit TV (Lobby vision for added security)
- Monthly community events
- Pantry store
- Full Time Resident Advisor on staff to assist residents
- Notary Public on staff in office
- Postage Stamps and photocopies available in office
- Bulk Rate Cable television available in all apartments
- Election site in building
- OFA (Office for the Aging) Meal site on Wednesday (Lunch)
- Central location to Metro North Trains, Loop and City bus lines
- Dial-a-ride service for medical appointments
- Off-street parking for residents and visitors
- Laundry room on first floor
- Conveniently located in proximity to express/local depot for major bus line servicing entire Hudson Valley from New York to Albany
- Storage space for large items available, at no cost to residents
- Weekly shopping and pleasure Bus Service exclusively for our residents
Examples: Hannaford and Bridgeview Plaza Shopping, Adams Fairacre Farms, Coyote Grill, Price Chopper, Wal-Mart
The following is a sampling of the many activities enjoyed by our residents.......
- Soup and Sandwich Bingo
- St. Patrick's Day Dinner
- Chinese Food Bingo
- Flag Day Barbeque
- Fish Fry Luncheon
- Ice Cream and Penny Social
- Celebrate Octoberfest
- Holiday Dinner
- Hamburger HotDog Picnic
- Spring Brunch
We also enjoy the following weekly activities:.
- Shopping and pleasure bus trips exclusively for residents
- OFA Luncheons
- Exercise Classes - 2 times a week (Monday/Friday at 9:30A.M.)
and Monthly activities:
- Breakfast (two menus)
- Manager's Coffee
- SIPP (Senior Injury Prevention Program)
- Interfaith Towers News Letter which contains articles such as.....
Manager's Coffee Notes
Bus schedule
Welcome for new residents
Activities for the month
