108 Utica Road
Clinton, NY 13323
About Us
Nearly ninety years ago, Miss Martha Herbig, a local woman who wished to offer care and support for the elderly in her community began her single-minded campaign to consider the needs and possibilities of a residence for the aging population.
On February 19, 1919, her dream became a reality when the Lutheran Home for the Aged and Infirm of Central New York was organized consisting of 13 rooms with accommodations for 10 individuals. In November of 1932, construction of a wing on the original house provided 14 additional bedrooms and infirmary for the 23 residing there.
Spiritual care is offered to all members of our LutheranCare family through the work of our full-time chaplain who serves in our on-campus chapels. A continued relationship with one's own faith community is encouraged and faith community leaders (pastors, priests, rabbis, etc.) are always welcome to visit and provide pastoral services for their parishioners.
What began nearly a century ago as a Victorian farmhouse and the vision of a single, compassionate woman has grown into a multi-faceted organization which remains committed to providing comprehensive programs and services that enhance the quality of life of the people we care for and care deeply about.
Clinton Manor Apartments provide comfortable, quality independent living for income-qualified adults.
* Laundry, activity and community rooms
* Units customized to accommodate disabilities
* Activity programs and organized outings
* Intercom and emergency call system
Copyright (c) 2005 Lutheran Care Ministries Network
