New York State Retired Teachers Association
New York State Retired Teachers Association
State Headquarters
50 Colvin Ave.,
Albany, NY 12206-1106
Phone: (518) 482-3509 Fax: (518) 482-0970
About Us
This valuable resource represents our efforts online and offline to serve retired educators. As the oldest state advocacy group representing retired educators, NYSRTA has been serving the needs of New York State's retired educators since 1951.
NYSRTA devotes 100% of its time and resources to serve the combined interests of retired teachers, educators, administrators, college & university professors, and other professional educational staff.
Because we are retired educators we remain informed about and interested in supporting excellence in education for all New York State students.
The New York State Retired Teachers' Association is proud to be affiliated with the following organizations:
* SAANYS - School Administrators Association of NYS, works in conjunction with NYSRTA to provide common member services and legislative advocacy.
* NRTA - National Retired Teachers' Association, a branch of AARP. NYSRTA is also an affiliate for this program.
* RPEA - Retired Public Employees Association, a legislative coalition member.
* NYS Teachers Retirement System - Government Agency Administering Pension Benefits.
* NCBA - National Corporate Benefits Administrators, Inc. is the Insurance Program NYSRTA offers its members.
NYSRTA offers the following services to its members:
* Energetic and aggressive pursuit of New York State and Federal Legislation programs that promote the needs of retired educators and senior citizens.
* The publication of the NYSRTA magazine:
YORK STATE to keep members informed.
* A Friendly Service program designed to provide personal contact to the home or hospital bound, help maintain social interaction with other members and provide financial assistance through special funds.
* Our Health Care Committee assists members with medical and insurance issues and information to make informed choices regarding health care.
* Financial Assistance is available in situations of extreme need through the Robert R. DeCormier Memorial Trust Fund. If you read our history, you know that Robert R. DeCormier was a most important advocate and long time president of NYSRTA in the early years. To remember his service and honor his commitment to providing aid to retired educators facing extreme financial problems, The Robert R. DeCormier Memorial Trust Fund was established. Those retired educators who qualify receive ongoing financial assistance.
* Also available is a Special Grant to help NYSRTA members in financial need with a personal un-reimbursed expense. Financial assistance will be given for purposes such as fire or a natural disaster and may be considered for funeral, medical or dental expenses. All other financial requests will be accepted and considered for committee review as received. If you are a member of NYSRTA you can Click on the underlined Financial Assistance, login with your member number, and fill out or print your request.
* Insurance Program access that meets many different needs and includes financial planning and annuity programs.
* The NYSRTA Marketplace on this website presents an opportunity for members to post and access other member's listings for positions, merchandise, publications, travel, member deals and more!
* Travel Affiliations that offer members information on tours from major tour providers.
Among organizations serving retired educators, NYSRTA remains unique with regard to its mission. Not only are we the oldest statewide advocacy group serving retired educators, but we also spend 100% of the organization's resources on retiree issues and needs. As you browse through all the activities and service that we have to offer the retired educator, we know that you will want to join our ranks.
Become a Member Today!
Another unique feature that distinguishes us from other retired educator organizations is administered through our Friendly Service Program. This service is the charge of a large statewide network of volunteers who are referred to as Friendly Service Workers. These volunteers provide personal contact to the home or hospital bound or assisted living residents.
If you read our history, you know that Robert R. DeCormier was a most important advocate and long time president of NYSRTA in the early years. To remember his service and honor his commitment to providing aid to retired educators facing extreme financial problems, The Robert R. DeCormier Memorial Trust was established. Those retired educators who qualify receive ongoing financial assistance.
Another avenue for financial assistance to members faced with short-term emergencies is available through a separate President's Fund. Individual members contibute to these financial assistance funds. The NYSRTA Insurance Trust. This Insurance Trust contributes to both the Robert R. DeCormier Memorial Trust and to Friendly Service efforts.
There is a special fund which helps to assist previous and current Friendly Service workers who need special attention and help. This fund for Friendly Service Workers is the Mary A. Spellissy Memorial Trust Fund.
Do you know a NYS Retired educator who needs financial help? If so we encourage you to contact the NYSRTA Vice President for Friendly Service, Doris Whitney at 585-243-0203.
Doris will see that the candidate receives an application and Friendly Service worker contact in the zone where the person in need resides.
©2006 NYSRTA, All Rights Reserved
