Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center
Norwegian Christian Home
1250 67th St
Brooklyn, NY 11219
There are very few organizations with as clear a mission, excellent record, superlative reputation and unbroken history as Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center.
We are proud of what God has allowed us to accomplish in the past, and are deeply committed to serving more people in need in the future.
Just as human life encompasses a full spectrum of abilities, we provide a full spectrum of patient-centered programs.
Some patients are recovering from injuries or other physical traumas and can be greatly benefited by our rehabilitation services. Some able and capable seniors feel more comfortable maintaining an independent lifestyle in our independent living facility.
And for those requiring extra assistance, our assisted living facility can mean renewed determination to enjoy life without fear or anxiety. Finally, for some there is no substitute for full-service nursing care.
We offer all of these programs and more. Plus, in the very near future, we will also provide adult day care.
We began our century of service in 1903, right here in Brooklyn, caring for a small group of elderly women. Our name changed in 1911 to the Norwegian Christian Home for the Aged, and we broadened our charter to admit men.
When we added a skilled nursing facility in 1973, we adopted our present name, Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center.
It has been said that compassion is as natural as respiration—that it’s the chief law of human existence. Yes, our name has changed over the years, but our commitment to compassionate care has never wavered.
